Giving gifts are an expression of gratitude, a sentiment that connects you emotionally with your loved ones. Due to lack of time we are unable to keep in touch with our most cherished friends, most lovable family and people that we want to keep in our lives, we may only meet them once or twice a year, or we just communicate with them over phone, so to show them how important they are to us or how much we cherish them, no matter how far they stay from us, gift can be the medium through which we can express our love and gratitude and let them know that they hold a special place in our heart.
So, sharing gifts makes you always feel much more special and your heart fills with a feeling of gratitude.In the case of gifts, both the giver and receiver feel great. The giver feel excited knowing that they have made someone else smile & happy with their gifts & the receiver, obviously feels very happy and pleasured by receiving gift unexpectedly from their loved ones. They feel very touched by your generosity. So, gifts are important – they are our way of staying in touch, saying “thank you for being part of my life”.